the idea for this blog was born on january first, and since i never have resolutions i decided that this year i might try something new, so, on january second i posted a myspace blog with my daily loves and hates for that day and the day before. today (january third) i moved my little project to blogspot.
this blog is a record of the new things i fall in love with everyday, and to balance it, the things i hate that day too.
january 1, 2008
today i love: the song 'O Valencia!' by The Decemberists, about a pair of
star-crossed lovers
" You belong to the gang
And you say you can't break away
But I'm here with my hands on my heart
Our families can't agree
I'm your brother's sworn enemy
But I'll shout out my love to the stars"
today i hate: that 12 am means midnight and 12 pm means noon.
its so illogical!
according to these definitions, the day goes: 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. it doesnt make sense that 12 should come before 1.
january 2, 2008
today i love:
hershey's cherry cordial kisses! i usually prefer the plain kisses to any of the special ones (especially the hugs, i hate white chocolate) but these are amazing.
today i hate:chapped lips.
they're especially bad this week as i'm just getting over being sick all winter break and the temperature dropped down to a "19 degrees but feels like 7" in the city. of course this is the week when all my chapstick mysteriously disappears. ouch.
extra love today: